TRUST Biologic founder Tom Murphy talks about our origin story

Meet Tom Murphy, Founder of TRUST Biologic

Ruth Rosenquist, TRUST’s Director of Strategic Partnerships  recently sat down with Tom Murphy to learn the origin story behind TRUST Biologic and its best-selling Pain Relief Gel roller.

Ruth: Tom, thanks for joining us today! Can you share with us how TRUST Biologic got its start?

Tom:   Happy to be here! TRUST Beauty started as a Colorado-based beauty brand that my wife Kelly and I founded in 2016. As our product line, customer base and team grew, we received more and more requests for products to support active aging. That’s when we realized we had a bigger mission, to develop functionally superior products that would allow our customers to keep living their best lives.  Our customers wanted to stay active, despite the everyday aches and pain that came with their recreational activities and sports. We put our heart and soul into the next frontier, renaming our company TRUST Biologic™ in 2020.


Q: Why TRUST Biologic? What was the thought process behind the rebrand?

A: “Biologics” by definition can encompass a wide range of products made from natural sources found in living things. As Colorado was one of the first states to legalize CBD, our state became a national hotbed of activity for CBD research and development. Due to Colorado’s geographic location in the center of the country, we also became a popular hub for shipping and distribution. TRUST Biologic headquarters are based in scenic Golden, Colorado today.

Q: Who were your key advisors in the creation of TRUST Biologic’s best-selling Pain Relief Gel and product line?

A: One of TRUST’s early advisors was Jake Black, PhD, Yale-educated CEO of Treehouse Hemp. Black is a renowned innovator in cannabis with in-depth research into its yet untapped potential. He’s also an advocate of CBD (cannabidiol) combined with a lesser-known CBG (cannabigerol) which he refers to as the “stem cell” of the phytocannabinoids in cannabis. CBG impacts inflammation and the neuroimmune response. That’s why we based our unique Pain Relief Gel formula on a blend of 500 mg CBD and 10 mg CBG, to maximize health benefits for healing.

Q: We’ve read the independent reviews and accolades for your Pain Relief Gel roller. Can you explain why TRUST products are more effective? 

A The difference lies in our blend of herbal extracts. But what makes our formulas truly healing is not individual herbs, CBD and CBG, but the way those herbs and extraction methods create a balanced formula that works optimally with the body. Our delivery system and ingredients are formulated to work in synergy to create an “entourage effect”.  Visit our website for a list of those traditional Chinese medicine herbs including menthol, camphor, achyranthis bidentate root, Paeonia abliflora root, jojoba esters, licorice root and more at The TRUST team is grateful to provide all-natural topical products that help our customers continue staying active, doing what they love.

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